Hi there, This is almost the end of the third week and as an Outreachy intern I would definitely say that "Everyone Struggles". As usual it was never an easy decision for me to take in the Outreachy program since I'm new to open source and there are a lot of things to explore here, but my mentor made it easy for me. Though I have sufficient knowledge of most of the required technology stack like C/C++ Git, JavaScript, etc, It still took me a few days to understand what was going on in the community but we know that Struggles let us learn and move forward. It was an exciting journey till now being a part of Outreachy Intern at Confidential Computing Consortium's Enarx. I have learned various things that I have never known before. I faced many issues where my installed packages were not installed properly. I took the decision to reinstall all the packages from the beginning. But while reinstalling, I have faced some issues with the steps. This actually took many days for me to install all the required things successfully and get back my things to a normal state. I believe my journey to Enarx would definitely be an awesome one!